The Doctor delights in reading a book in "The Angels Take Manhattan" |
The Doctor: Your book. Which you haven't written yet.
So we can't read!
River: I see. I don't like the cover much.
Amy: But if River's going to write that book she'd
make it useful, yeah?
River: Well I'll certainly try. But we can't read
ahead, it's too dangerous.
Amy: I know, but there must be something we can look
The Doctor: What, a page of handy hints? Previews,
Amy: Chapter titles
(The Doctor scans the
page of chapter titles - Chapter 9, Calling the Doctor, Chapter 10, The Roman
in the Cellar, Chapter 11, Death at Winter Quay.)
The Doctor: He's in the cellar…
I had to chuckle when I heard this bit of dialog from the
Doctor Who episode, “The Angels Take Manhattan.” This is exactly how I think of
chapter titles - as spoiler-free book teasers.
Here are a couple of chapter titles from my new novel to wet
your appetite:
Midnight Rendezvous
at Dinner
Electrical Madness
Burglary by Night
Do they sound intriguing? Do they make you want to find out more?
so, then they’re doing their job well.
I believe that a book’s table of
contents should act as kind of a literary appetizer. An imaginative aperitif to
wet your appetite for the main course, the story itself.